Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Effects of Adoption on a Family Essay - 1156 Words

There are common ordeals and situations that can trouble a family emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Adoption is one situation a family must encounter when a child is born without a proper system of support to sustain life after birth. The causes for a family to make a heartfelt decision to place a child for adoption can have dramatic effects on the birth parents, adoptive parents, and child (Adoptee), even if the decision is meant for the best. The birth parents are affected by the thought of loss of a child due to the adoption placement procedure during pregnancy because their unplanned arrival of a child and life plans will take an unexpected turn as new parents. A struggle takes place mostly when the decision is made by the†¦show more content†¦Secondly, birth parent’s intense stress can continue into later years like on the child’s birthday and while they think of what type of person their son or daughter might have become under their care. For example, an adoptee might study and learn to play instruments very well with the adoptive parents, but if the child would have grown – up with his/her birth parents. They might would have been a great artist, but since this was not the case. The child may not develop those skills as the birth parents would have hoped. Through all this loss and guilt, the relationship among both parents may fall apart because of how each one feels about the adoption a nd their parent’s lack of support will distance them all even farther from one another. A major case is when the birth mother may have to leave her home and family due to pregnancy, which would degrade her educational and work status in the community. (Information Gateway) The birth parents have to encounter much hardship and denial to of most of an adoption plan, but more current issues, such as their shame, identity, and long- term issues effect them as well. Additionally, a feeling of shame can plague the minds of the birth parents because society will judge their decision as an act of neglect. Being ashamed to confess to parents, family, others, or friends will only cause more pain becauseShow MoreRelatedAdoption And The Law Of Adoption706 Words   |  3 PagesUnder the customary law of adoption which was in force afore the commencementof the Act, adoption is a nomination of a successor for the purport of inheritance. He doesnot lose all connections with the family of birth. 6 Effects of Adoption: Statutory Provision Section 12 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, relates to the Effectsof Adoption and the provision reads as under 7 : â€Å"12. Effects of Adoption – An adopted child shall be deemed to be the child of his or heradoptive fatherRead MoreAdoption Outline1472 Words   |  6 PagesAlyssa Fedor Outline Adoption in the U.S. I. INTRODUCTION A. 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